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Christmas Card Tracker Tips + Free Printable

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It’s never too early to start getting organized for the holidays! This FREE Christmas Card Tracker printable will help you do just that!! Plus, you’ll feel less stress when the holidays come around because you’ll already be ahead -and organized!

Lately, it feels like sending out Christmas cards is (sadly) becoming an age-old tradition. I’ve been sending out Christmas cards since I was a teenager. I love sending out Christmas cards and love, even more, receiving them back! There’s just something about opening that mailbox at the end of a long day and seeing that tell-tale envelope.

But I’m not going to lie here….getting started used to be another chore that I was always behind with along with all the other holiday planning. Well, not this year!! I created this festive Christmas poinsettia planner printable to help me get organized and stay on track this coming holiday.

To help you stay organized with your holiday cards, I’m going to share a few of my tried and true organization tips for easy Christmas card sending and tracking. You’ll also get some tips for how to use your past cards in creative projects!

01: Keep Addresses Updated

Seems like an easy thing to do -right?! You’d like to think so anyway. But, as the holidays wind down and our minds and bodies go into rest mode, life takes over. Then before you know it the holidays have rolled around again!

Looking for a Christmas Card Tracker without color? Check out our minimalistic printable!

If you love to plan, keep a section in your planner just for the holidays. If you keep this Christmas Card Tracker printable in that section, you’ll also have addresses updated because it’s easy to just flip to that section and enter it.

02: Save Your Cards

Might sound silly but sometimes once the holidays are over, we are all ready for a vacation -am I right?! So it’s not surprising that, as we go through our house cleaning up and putting away decorations, we unknowingly throw out the Christmas cards.

Then when it comes time to do the next years’ Christmas cards, you don’t remember who to send to or who you received from. I’m not saying that your shouldn’t send to someone who hasn’t sent you one. What I am saying though, is sometimes we grow apart or a person passes away. Then there is always the question of cost. It can get costly to keep sending cards out.

But I propose you hold on to your past Christmas cards for at least a little while. Here are just some of the reasons I keep my past cards:

  • For the memories (especially if someone has passed since the last mailing);
  • In case I forgot to check mark that I received a card;
  • As a reminder that an address has changed;
  • To use as tabs in my planner;
  • To use in my junk journal;
  • To use in my journal spreads;
  • To craft with!

You’d be surprised how wonderful past Christmas cards are to use in your creative projects! Even after I’ve recorded each card I still keep the ones that have a beautiful picture (in my eyes).

03. Create a Holiday Keepsake Box

This can be as easy or as complicated as you want to make it. You can find a reasonable box at your local craft store or you could make one. You want to look for a photo box, letter-sized box, or a decorated holiday box. The idea is to keep in the box all your cards and small mementos.

Now you are armed with a few simple tips to keeping organized during the busy holidays. The next step is to prepare for any upcoming holidays with this FREE printable!

Get The Christmas Card Tracker Printable

This free printable is not just for the Happy Planner. It’s completely resizable for any planner! You can even print it and use it on a Santa-approved clipboard!

Grab my free printable

Organize Your Christmas Card List

No matter how many Christmas cards you mail out each year having this printable will help you to stay organized.

If you are inspired to get organized this holiday season using this printable don’t forget to share by tagging me on Instagram and using #btdinspired, I’d love to see your work (and I just might repost your photo)!

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Terms of Use

All BEHIND THE DESIGNS free printable are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. You may not re-sell, redistribute, or claim the designs as your own.

If you post this resource or a finished project using this resource I’ve provided on the internet, please give credit to BEHIND THE DESIGNS & link back to my website (https://behindthedesigns.blog/), so other can obtain the files from the original source.

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