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40 Inspiring Fall Bucket List Ideas + Free Printable

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There are so many fun things to do once cooler weather arrives! But if you are stumped for ideas I’ve got you covered! That’s why I created this free Fall Bucket List Ideas printable to inspire you to get outdoors!

One things I always do each year when autumn arrives is to create a fall bucket list planner page for my planner. Check out my Happy Planner Colorful Fall Bucket List planner page for even more inspiration to include one in your planner!

Always on the top of my list is to visit a pumpkin patch. I love pumpkins! They are also the perfect autumn decor to add to my front porch fall porchscapes and they will also be in craft wreath I’m reviving (you can check that out here). Hands down, I always love taking fall nature walks and drives to go leaf peeping. Of course, another staple on my fall to do list is to bake, bake, BAKE. I can almost taste all that fall goodness!

Be sure to check out below the option to get this printable in a minimal style

There is no shortage of ideas for the Autumn season! In this free printable, I also made sure to include ideas that are perfect for the whole family too. Most of this list consists of ideas that are very reminiscent of the beauty and coziness that only comes from the autumn season; and what better year to get out and have some autumn fun than after a not-so-great Covid restrictions year -wouldn’t you agree?!

40 Inspiring Fall Bucket List Ideas

At the end of this post you will have the option to download this exclusive printable designed and created by me for Behind the Designs. Now let’s get started and run through each of these fun creative ideas to do this autumn season.

01. Visit a Pumpkin Patch

This is pretty self explanatory but I put this at the top of the list because it is the quintessential thing to do when autumn arrives. Truth be told, I’ve been wanting to plant a small pumpkin patch in our back yard for years. Maybe next year will be the year.

Pumpkins are great for decorating anywhere outside or inside your home.

02. Go Apple Picking

This is a great idea because apple picking offers you fresh air, exercise, time with those who go with you as well as the apples you need to make apple pie with (see #3 below).

03. Bake an Apple Pie

It doesn’t matter if you get apples from the store or pick them yourself. Fill your home with all the wonderful smells you get when you bake apple pie. Plus, there is no comparison to warm, homemade apple pie with a scoop of ice cream on top. Mmmmm!

04. Bake a Pumpkin Pie

Autumn is when we start to crave the comfort foods -and what better way to feed that hunger than with pie! I’ll admit that once I tried making pumpkin pie all from scratch….including boiling down the pumpkin. Needless to say, it didn’t quite turn out and now I just stick with the canned version. It’s easier and tastes just as good.

05. Bake Pumpkin Bread

For all the baking I do in the autumn I’m sure somewhere down through the years I must’ve baked pumpkin bread. I just don’t recall doing it so I’m adding this on as a prompt to give it a try. It’s got pumpkin in it so it must be good right?!

06. Go on a Nature Walk

This is the best time of the year to get outside. Going on a nature walk gets you some exercise and in the fall you will be able to see all the beautiful foliage this season has to offer.

07. Carve a Pumpkin

It is true that this mostly happens when you have kids in the house. If that’s the case, invite all your grown children over to spend the night carving pumpkins. It’s great family time! Don’t forget after Halloween has past to recycle your carved pumpkin by smashing it outside in your back yard for the wildlife. I’m sure they will be very grateful.

08. Get a Pumpkin Spice Latte

This one almost didn’t make the list. I know a lot of us shutter over the “pumpkin spice” everything memes. But, having a warm pumpkin spice latte before that nature walk above (#6) can make the walk twice as nice with the delicious taste of pumpkin spice marinating in your mouth.

09. Roast Marshmallows

Typically when we think of roasted marshmallows we automatically think of smores (#27). But, roasting marshmallows just by themselves is a terrific idea on a chilly evening after dinner. The family will love this together time too!

10. Make (and eat!) a Caramel Apple

Oh how I love caramel -and also wish I could eat a caramel apple. But, it’s a bit sweet for my teeth. Although kids love caramel apples and I’m sure they won’t argue if you made some for them. {wink}

11. Decorate a Pumpkin

It doesn’t have to be a real pumpkin but I have seen some pretty intricate pumpkin carvings. This is also another great family craft. Grab all the decorations you can think of and make the dinner table a family craft table (after protecting the top with something, of course!).

12. Make a Fall Wreath

Putting out a new wreath is the first thing your visitors will see when they arrive at your front door. Make your door and home inviting with a fall door wreath. This year I’ll be reviving a old crafted wreath my mother gave me. Stay tuned to the blog for when I post the details on it (and guess I better get at it since autumn has arrived!).

13. Create a Leaf Craft

One craft I’ve always wanted to do with natural leaves that I collected on a walk, was to preserve them and put them in a decorative frame to hang in our house. But there are a lot of crafts you can do with pressed leaves and even leaves you just collected on your nature walk (#6).

14. Jump in a Pile of Leaves

This is so much fun! Even your dogs will love doing it. If you don’t have any trees or mature trees in your yard, grab your rake and go to the nearest park. Even after you are done jumping in the pile of leaves, I’m sure other kids or wildlife will enjoy them too.

15. Burn Your Favorite Fall Candle

Ahh yes, the cozy smell of a baked vanilla cookie candle gives me all the fall feels. If you hadn’t noticed already, when September rolls around the stores start putting out all the best fall candle smells. But grab one (or two!) early or your favorite scent will be gone.

16. Decorate for Fall

When fall arrives I decorate inside as well as outside my home. I always create a fall porchscape and inside my fall home decor changes to warm, cozy russet colors and pumpkins and anything with leaves. Don’t forget to also decorate your planner for fall too!

17. Roast Pumpkin Seeds

This idea coincides with #7 because if you haven’t carved a pumpkin you won’t have seeds to roast. Or you could pull out just the seeds and recycle your pumpkin. Freshly roasted pumpkins seeds with a smidge of salt are too delicious to pass up!

18. Plan Your Thanksgiving Menu

In September most of us might not be thinking about Thanksgiving. But, come October, most of us do start planning our Thanksgiving menu and activities. Just think, if you start early, you’re sure to be prepared!

19. Make Chili

There are two ways to incorporate this idea. You could have a chili cook off and go all party themed. Or you just might want to cook some for yourself and family. Either way you can’t go wrong and if you are looking for a recipe be sure to check out this homemade 3lb beef chili recipe. It’s amazing!

20. Knit, Crochet or Sew a Fall Blanket

This is an idea I try to do every year -and I usually start out strong but then it fades away. But, if you can stick with it not only will you be getting your blanket done, you’ll probably also attract your cat(s) to sit on your lap (if you have cats). You could also use this finished blanket as Christmas gift for someone.

Looking for a fresh, fun and clean fall bucket list? Check out our 40 Inspiring Fall Bucket List Ideas Planner printable!

21. Go on a Hayride

This is a great idea because not only will you be supporting your local farmer, it’s a fun thing to do in the fall too. There are even haunted hayrides to catch, if you like that idea better. Some farms will offer a hayride to their pumpkin patch where you can choose the pumpkin you love -this way sure beats trying to pull a cart around in mud!

22. Attend a Fall Festival

As a creative, I always find these fall festivals so interesting to attend. It’s a place where a select group of individuals are selected to showcase their crafts -and let me tell you, depending on the level of the festival there are some pretty amazing crafters and makers out there!! All of these events are family friendly as well.

23. Buy a New Pair of Fall Boots

This is my favorite (or have I listed too many so far!). It feels amazing when you pull out your brand new fall boots and pair them with your favorite outfit. It just makes you feel great inside!

24. Go to a Corn Maze

This sounds like a great family fun day! I’ve never been to one, probably because I fear getting lost and having to call 911 to help me get out. LOL! But, in all honesty this would be a perfect fall family day!

25. Take a Scenic Bike Ride

If you prefer to ride a bike, instead of walk (#6) you can still take in the sights of the season. Depending on where you bike you might even get a better workout! Don’t forget to stop and take some pictures along the way so you can do some memory journaling.

26. Visit a Local Farm

This is a no-brainer because by visiting your local farm you help to support the farming industry. We need more farmers! Plus many farms will offer seasonal activities making the trip more than worth it.

27. Make Smores on Your Deck

Who said you needed a fire pit to make smores?! I’m not gonna lie here, when my nieces were little and staying over, I wanted to do smores but all we had was a grill. So guess what was the best stack of smores I’ve ever had….yup, a grill works perfectly and we all enjoyed those smores just a little more.

28. Take a Day Trip to a Small Town

This is always a fun and exciting short adventure to do with family too. An added benefit of take a day trip during the fall season is you get the benefit of leaf peeping while exploring!

29. Take a Fall Family Picture

No picture backdrop is needed when you use nature for a fall family photo shoot. This colorful idea is one I’ve wanted to do for a while now. It’s really a great solution for getting family together and if you are near a public park you could do a family cookout afterwards.

30. Visit a Haunted House

This is not one that will be making my list. I’m not a huge fan of haunted houses. But hey, if it’s your thing by all means go visit one and get your scare on!

31. Have a Scary Movie Night

Is it me or are scary movies not so scary anymore (as an adult)? I think as children we just naturally are fearful. But, this could even be a date night idea for the season. The first “date” I had with my husband was to a scary movie (which I still argue to this day that I didn’t even realize it was a date, LOL). But, it’s one I still remember today.

32. Plan an Autumn Picnic

Ohhh now this one gives some fall vibes, right?! Take some of those fresh, homemade baked goods (#3, 4, 5, 8 & 19), a warm cozy blanket, some fall harvest wine (if it’s a date) and choose your location. It’s that easy!

33. Get Out Those Warm Cozy Fall Clothes!

Another favorite of mine during the fall season. I love big sweaters and I cannot lie! As I type this post it’s a breezy fall day and for some reason I decided to wear shorts….it’s a bit chilly and so excuse me while I go change into some warm cozy pants.

I’ve always said my favorite time of year is winter/Christmas -and that is true. But, it’s really a hard choice (for me) to pick between fall and winter.

34. Visit the Farmers Market

This is a great place to get locally grown, seasonal fruits and vegetables. It’s also become a place to get a lot more than that and it’s the perfect place for the whole family to go. Plus you support your local farmers when you do!

35. Go Thrifting

Each year a group of friends and myself try to go to a local fall festival that goes through a small town. Down the main street of this small town are a bunch of small antique, thrifty shops and we’ve occasionally stopped and shopped around. Going thrifting is always fun because of all the great finds you come across.

36. Get Your Nails Done (in your fav fall color)

What better self-care time than to schedule to get your nails done. Getting pampered is always a good thing! Fall is also a great time to get your nails done because you aren’t working outside or digging in the dirt like you were in summer. My favorite fall nail polish color, hands down, has got to be rich russets and cozy browns.

37. Put Fresh Sunflowers Around Your Home

There is nothing that compares to putting fresh cut flowers around your home. When I brought these sunflowers in and put them in my kitchen window, it just instantly brightened the space. It made me happy and cheerful. Sunflowers are also the best in-season fall flower to get at this time. Put a few small pumpkins around them and you’ve instantly created a cozy fall vignette.

38. Create a Grateful List

It can be hard on a day to day basis to create a grateful list or even to maintain it. It’s not that we are not grateful but sometimes life takes over. During the fall is when I will typically sit down and create a grateful list, fill it in and put it in my planner to look back on whenever I’m having a bad day. Try it. It really does work.

39. Collect Leaves, Branches, Acorns and Make a Centerpiece

When my daughter was young and we’d take the dog for a walk, she would always be picking up little rocks and such. It started a tradition of giving her a clean dog poop bag (I know, not the most glamorous!) to hold all her findings. From that time one when we’d walk the dog she’d always want a “nature collection bag”.

So go ahead, be a kid again and collect that pretty fall leaf you found -I still do it! In fact, one year I pulled my husband and daughter into the task of going to the local park and collecting acorns and pinecones. I baked the acorns at home (a technique to get out all the creepies) and then used all my findings to create a centerpiece for our dining room table.

40. Bake Leaf-Shaped Sugar Cookies

Why have just a cookie when you can have a leaf shaped cookie?! I’ve got some leaf cookie cutters and I’m thinking I need to try this. Of course, I’d want to take it one step further and learn how to professionally decorate them too. Either way, you can be sure if you make sugar cookies they will always be delicious!

This was a pretty long post but I want to thank you for sticking with it and getting to the end. Before, you go remember to grab your free printable below.

40 Inspiring Fall Bucket List Ideas Printable

Get your FREE printable just for signing up below. This printable can even be sized to fit your planner and then you will always have it on hand!

Grab my free printable

40 Fall Bucket List Ideas

This printable is resizable for any planner. It offers you a list of 40 Fall Bucket List Ideas so that you can enjoy the autumn season more (and worry less about what to do!).

If you are inspired to create a fall bucket list planner page don’t forget to share by tagging me on Instagram and using #btdinspired, I’d love to see your work (and I just might repost your photo)!

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All BEHIND THE DESIGNS free printables are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. You may not re-sell, redistribute, or claim the designs as your own.

If you post this resource or a finish project using this resource I’ve provided on the internet, please give credit to BEHIND THE DESIGNS & link back to my website (https://behindthedesigns.blog/), so others can obtain the files from the original source.

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