
14 Creative Bullet Journal Weekly Spread Ideas

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If you’re in the planner community you’ve no doubt heard of a bullet journals. As a planner we are all focused on one goal -to find planner peace. In our quest, most of us can attest to trying literally almost every planner system out there, myself included. For some of us, it’s elusive (or so it seems) but then there are some who have found their perfect planner system. If you fall into the latter category -good for you!

Back in early 2020, I was introduced to bullet journaling by way of the Stalogy 365 days notebook. To be honest, I can’t even recall how I came about learning of this type of planner system. However, I do remember first hearing about bullet journaling after seeing a few spreads from Kara (Boho Berry). Kara also runs the Boho Berry Community on Facebook and I thought, “there’s no way I can create pages like these.” The creativity in that group is amazing! I’ll admit I’m a little jelly because I cannot draw for the life of me. But, guess what? I figured out how to get around that. Keep reading to find out how.

One of the biggest reasons most get into bullet journaling is because you can do literally anything you want with these notebooks. They can help you plan and organize your month, week, day and even help you track whatever your heart desires. Now that I’ve had a taste of bullet journaling, I am hooked! Be forewarned, bullet journaling is addictive. To make that point, I had shelved my bullet journal since the end of last year. Not because it wasn’t working for me; I just wanted to go back to my travelers notebook and give it a try. But, as of this post…..I can’t stop thinking about my stalogy bullet journal.

When I first opened that bullet journal up, all I saw was this frightening blank page. I had no clue what to do with it. It was intimidating. I’ll be talking more about that in another post. Just know that it doesn’t take a huge stash of planner supplies to start a bullet journal. These days you can pretty much use any notebook as a bullet journal. When I started my stalogy bullet journal, I started with a theme. You’d be surprised how easy it is to pull together a bullet journal and get started simply by picking a theme. It can be a theme for your whole notebook or you can change your theme by the month. I did both of these methods. If picking a theme frightens you you’ll want to check out the weekly spreads below for inspiration. Here are 14 examples out of my own bullet journal to get you started.

14 Creative Weekly Bullet Journal Spread Ideas

Bullet Journal Weekly Spread in Yellow Floral Washi, Black Dog and Stickers

This was a pretty easy spread to pull together. I only had to draw lines. The week header consists of washi, stickers for each day of the week as well as the corresponding number. At the bottom, I put a torn washi strip along the edge, used a black dog sticker (because we had a vet appointment that day) and on the right side is a quote box with glitter overlay (both stickers).

Bullet Journal Weekly Spread Fourth of July, Stars Vellum, Red White Blue Washi

This spread was a lot of fun to put together mostly because of that red, white and blue washi. But at the same time it’s so simple and easy on the eyes. This weekly shows horizontal days of the week. I used blue highlighter in the background and lettered in the day and number. I did use one sticker for the fourth, along with some silver star stickers. It was the silver star vellum that I tipped-in that completed this week perfectly.

Bullet Journal Weekly Spread using Happy Planner Homebody Stickers Quotes

Bullet Journal Weekly Spread Zen Green Leaves, Boxes and Quotes

This spread ended up having more stickers than I originally planned but it still served it’s functional need. I’ll always lean towards green and leaves; gives that whole zen, mother nature kind of feel to any planner spread. The stickers all came from the same sticker book. I also used a highlighter for the background on the days of the week. Each week I did a spread in this B6 size bullet journal I was amazed because B6 was the last size I thought I ever wanted to try. But it’s really the perfect size -not too much room but not too little either.

Bullet Journal Weekly Spread using Simply Gilded Rockstars Kit

Bullet Journal Weekly Spread Purple Rockstar Crystal Gem Sticky Notes

For this spread I did my best to continue to dip into my current planner stash. I really considered my first year in a bullet journal a test. This was the time to use up my stash, make mistakes and really narrow down what I can/can’t do and what I like/dislike. I kept this spread simple by using crystal gem sticky notes for both my weekly goals and any notes. For the days of the week I used marker scribble-look stickers and hand-lettered in the days of the week. Of course a little washi tape never hurt anyone! I loved this purple and crystal spread.

Bullet Journal Weekly Spread Watercolor, Stationery, Stickers, Washi, Quote Tag with Bow

On this spread I wanted to get a little more creative and think outside the bullet journal box. Since as I said, I can’t draw and I was still feeling a little intimidated by the process. My niece had received a letter and I fussy cut out the parts of the stationery that I wanted and used it as a border for the spread. I did not glue down the whole lower left hand corner because I wanted to tuck a tag into it. With Monday being the first day of the week I decorated with just three boxes. My mindset was to list at least three goals I wanted to accomplish that week. I used watercolor stickers for some days of the week and box stickers for the others. I created a quote tag, put a bow at the top and tucked it into the corner. Later on I journaled on the back of the tag tuck-in.

Bullet Journal Weekly Spread Shark Week…..need I say more?!

Another fun spread. I used sand themed scrapbook paper at the bottom and water paper at the top. I tore the edge of both papers to make it look like the surf’s edge. This was a pretty simple spread with box stickers accent with various shark stickers. You can’t see it too well in the picture but the month and week dates are in the sand paper area.

Bullet Journal Weekly Spread Memory Keeping Loss of Pet

This spread was a somber one because I designed it to mark the passing of our cat. The center block between the two pages was to symbolize my cat walking amongst the butterflies on his way to rainbow bridge. We experienced so much loss in 2020 between both relatives and pets. When my cat passed I wanted to put a flip-out picture in my bullet journal that I could write a small memory on the back of. I used both a sleeping cat and paws acrylic stamps with brown ink since our cat was mostly brown (a brown tiger to be exact). I used a brown highlighter behind the days of the week which I hand-lettered, along with our cats name.

Want to know why we named our cat “doodie”? Leave me a comment request below.


Bullet Journal Weekly Spread using the Planner Society March 2020 Kit

This was another simple creative spread using elements from a planner kit. I glued down a sheet of the notepaper pad to the left side; put washi tape at both the tops and bottoms of the pages and used a few stickers from the kit. I then hand-lettered the days and dates. Last step was to add a small rhinestone to the line below each day. Simple and functional.

Bullet Journal Weekly Spread Hello Fall! Gold Leaf Washi, Rich Russet Washi

On this spread I was testing out a new structure of not taking the horizontal day border line all the way to the edge of the page. I hand-lettered the days of the week in a rich russet color marker. That marker also matched the extra washi border edge I nestled next to the beautiful gold leaf washi tape edge. Easy peasy and it was one of my favorite fall weekly spreads.

Bullet Journal Weekly Spread Football and Yard Line Washi

Although I don’t watch or follow football, my husband does. So I couldn’t resist the urge to incorporate football into a weekly bullet journal spread, especially after I found the green yard line and football washi tape. Clearly it was a difficult time for me because my hand-lettered quote reflects an insightful message. I used stickers for the days of the week. Lastly I added some green sparkling washi tape and some rose cut-out gold sparkly washi tape as accents. On the back of the small dutch-door page I listed the fall recipes I wanted to cook (or bake).

Bullet Journal Weekly Spread Hello Fall Pumpkin Stencils, Natural Real Leaf, Quotes

One autumn day while walking the dog I looked down at some leaves and thought they’d be great accents in my bullet journal. As a creative, I pull inspiration from everywhere. I glued down the leaf, added some fall-colored rhinestones along the stem and hand-lettered the quote along the left side of the leaf. I also added a smaller quote right above the stenciled “Hello Fall”. I pulled that stenciling technique over to the right side too mostly because I couldn’t help doing a pumpkin. I added some hand-lettering and was ready to tackle my week.

Bullet Journal Weekly Spread Tombow Acrylic Coffee Stamps

Who doesn’t love coffee?! Okay, maybe some don’t but I do. The stalogy paper is wonderful and takes really good to most mediums, but you can see a little shadow of the week before peeked through the page. I don’t mind because it makes it unique. All I used for this page was watercolor paints and acrylic coffee-themed stamps.

Bullet Journal Weekly Spread Hand-drawn Autumn Wreath Pumpkin Quote

By the time October rolled around, I was much more comfortable with using less and less stickers and staying true to the bullet journal system. This autumn wreath was a true labor of love. I wish I could have it in a bullet journal cover! I used a jar to trace the semi-circle and from there just went about drawing very dainty leaves and branches. I actually traced the pumpkin from a drawing my daughter did for me for my October monthly page. Added some color to the branches and leaves, an autumn quote and it was perfect.

This autumn wreath is my best spread yet! You can’t read the quote very well, but, again it was a testament to the trials I faced during that time. It read, “What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise.”

Bullet Journal Weekly Spread October Halloween Inspired Spider

On this final weekly spread idea, I wanted to show how you can still have your days of the week, a sidebar for notes or to-do’s and a small monthly calendar at the top too. The sidebar is just hand-drawn along with the corner web and little spider. The month title is hand-lettered as are the days of the week. Each day has a purple highlighter accent. The small monthly calendar was also hand-written in. Lastly, the quote was again a perfect representation of what was going on in my life at the time. It reads, “Be courageous and live the life that your heart is guiding you toward”.

In just about every month dashboard and most weekly spreads, I incorporated a quote. I love quotes and love to look back on them. For my first bullet journal I was pretty happy with how I had grown into the system. There are so many more weeks that I would’ve loved to have shared but that is for another day. You’ll definitely want to follow along as I plan to reveal more elements of my bullet journal in the coming months.

As a tickler for autumn….I’m thinking of going back to bullet journaling so follow along!

If you are inspired to create a bullet journal spread after reading this post don’t forget to share by tagging me on Instagram and using #btdinspired, I’d love to see your work (and I just might repost your photo)!

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Disclosure: I was not compensated for this post. I just really love the product(s) I’ve willingly chosen to feature. All opinions expressed are my own and not influenced in any way.

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